
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence  – It’s your time to innovate the future Have you ever thought what would our lives be like in a world without Artificial Intelligence? Or without computers? Recall how you spend an average day of your life- you get up, then you check your smartphone. You reach your workplace, and then start working over the internet. Remember, most of your work takes place over cloud computing and other services the internet provides. Now picture that you have to look for an answer to something. For how long and in how many books are you going to keep searching for the answer? Let’s take another example, you come back home and decide to order food online. Who really places the order if you are behind the screen? Before going to sleep, you probably use a voice to text assistant that’s present in your phone to set an alarm for the next day. We can’t imagine living without all that now, can we? What is Artificial Intelligence? You might be thinking what exactly is artificial intel
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